Write a press release? Or post in a blog?

March 28, 2008 at 3:17 am (journalism, new media, PR, public relations, strategy) (, , , , , , )

What is one thing that comes to mind when you think of public relations? Press releases?

What about blogs?

I was reading a post about Intel’s Atom Launch in the Ogilvy PR 360 Digital Influence Blog. It’s a pretty interesting post because of the way Intel announced and built anticipation about the release of their new processor. They didn’t send press releases out for this announcement. They used their blog.

Rohit Bhargava, the writer of the post, made two interesting points about blogs and press releases:

First, “a press release is just a tool. A blog is an ongoing platform,” and “blogs can foster a conversation around the announcement and build anticipation.”

This method, of course, wouldn’t work for everyone. If you never blog, you can’t just start one on the day you want to make an announcement. You need to have a good following on your blog so that people will actually read it and hopefully mention it in their own blogs. This method also leaves out the part of your audience that does not read blogs.

Fortunately, according to Brodeur at Marketing Vox, “Blogs are a regular source for journalists: Over three-quarters of reporters see blogs as helpful in giving them story ideas, story angles and insight into the tone of an issue.”

I think that’s a pretty good reason for people and businesses to join in the blogosphere.

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